
Saturday, October 23, 2010


I realize how much happier and better off I am. I have a tendency to put blame on myself and doubt everything I do and what I can do or could have done to fix it. Or to be better. Or be good enough.

It wasn't something worth fixing. I am better. I am more than good enough.

This is vague and I am keeping it that way. Too long of a story I think to get into in the first place but all the details don't matter if in the end of this I realize those important things. I knew them all along though :)

Friday, September 10, 2010


I by no means forgot about you my precious little bloggy bloggity blog. I promise I didn't. I have this little thing called a job and another thing called school that occupies just about every second of my time and energy.

Whose idea was it to take 5 classes? Mine? NOOOO. I'd never make a decision like that. Not me. Not the overachiever over here. Nope.


Ok. So I'm taking five classes and after 3 weeks of trying my hardest in this freaking psychology class, I emailed the professor with this elaborate sob story about why I NEED to drop the class. You know what he comes back and says today? "It's done. Chris." That is it. Clearly a really personable guy but either way, a weight was lifted and I'm down to taking "just four classes".

Work is amazing. I really am enjoying school. I'm moving next weekend. Have I started packing 3 years worth of crap in my apartment? No of course not. I'll start tomorrow. No really. I'll start tomorrow. I started my application for UNC-Charlotte. I've been feeling like I was at a stand still but doing things for my future or to plan for it has kept me sane and motivated.

Life is just good. God is good.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Do you think I'm asking too much?

I want somebody who sees the pointlessness
And still keeps their purpose in mind
I want somebody who has a tortured soul
Some of the time
I want somebody who will either put out for me
Or put me out of misery
Or maybe just put it all to words
And make me say, you know
I never heard it put that way
Make me say, what did you just say?
I want somebody who can hold my interest
Hold it and never let it fall
Someone who can flatten me with a kiss
That hits like a fist
Or a sentence, that stops me like a brick wall
Because if you hear me talking
Listen to what I’m not saying
If you hear me playing guitar
Listen to what I’m not playing
And don’t ask me to put words
To all the spaces between notes
In fact if you have to ask, forget it
Do and you’ll regret it
I’m tired of being the interesting one
I’m tired of having fun for two
Just lay yourself on the line
And I might lay myself down by you
But don’t sit behind your eyes
And wait for me to surprise you
I want somebody who can make me
Scream until it’s funny
Give me a run for my money
I want someone who can
Twist me up in knots
Tell me, for the woman who has everything
What have you got?
I want someone who’s not afraid of me
Or anyone else
In other words I want someone
Who’s not afraid of themselves
Do you think I’m asking too much?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Owen Thomas

Seeing my brother with his son is probably the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

I might be wrong but isn't he the cutest little guy?

I love his hair line. Isn't that random?

I just thought I'd share some pictures of my Owen. He is 12 weeks old today. I met him when he was 3 weeks old and haven't seen him since. It is so hard being away from him. They live in Denver, CO. My brother, Justin, is so sweet with him. We are going on a family vacation to the Isle of Palms from May 29 to June 5 and I could not be more excited. I miss my family so much everyday and now with Owen, the dynamic of our family has just changed drastically. But not only that, my family has not been on a family vacation since our last vacation with my Dad in 2001. And NOT ONLY THAT, I don't even remember the last time we were ALL together at the same time. You feel me!? EXCITED!

So with that being said...I am going to go run and sweat like crazy because I have 6 weeks to look somewhat decent in a bathing suit. Boo.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random Acts

I've just been down lately. I am busy with school and work and basketball just ended last night and traveling and taking care of my Chance and (trying to) have a social life and and AND!!!! Today I actually got out of class early so I asked my co-teacher Lindsay if she'd like to meet for lunch. She wasn't feeling well (also known as a hangover) and so I decided to find out what she would like at Panera and take her some light lunch. Then, I decided as I was driving to drop the food off for her, that I really wanted to take something back for my other co-teacher, Melissa. What does every teacher on earth like? Starbucks. Duh. Lucky day for me because I knew what Melissa likes from there. One tall green tea frap please. I was so excited to get to MSCS and have lunch for Lindsay and a yummy drink for Melissa. Neither of them have been feeling great this week. I know how that goes. It felt so great to just do something for someone else. They genuinely appreciated it. I don't do things to feel appreciated of course but damn did it feel good! I need to thank them for thanking me and meaning it. Mental note for tomorrow :)

AND I found the CUTEST clutch for my sister. Totally random little purchase and I thought I'd save it and send it for her birthday. Problem is her birthday isn't until July. Yeah well that wasn't going to happen the second after I bought it. I love surprising people but waiting to do it is the WORST. So I stopped at the post office today and it should be there by Saturday!

Just a good day to make other people smile and to show them I care. I enjoy that.

Dandelion Festival

Weeks ago my mom and I were trying to make it work that her and her husband Chuck would come to Raleigh or meet us (me, Lauren, Josh, and Brian) in Wilmington for the Azalea Festival. A friend of my mom's had told her about the Azalea Festival and at that point my mom knew I was going for it as well. So the next time she talked to me, what did she call it? Yep. You guessed it. The Dandelion Festival.

Yes mom. There is a festival celebrating the blossoming of dandelions.

Oh how I love her.

However, it didn't work out that she could come up which turns out was either the best thing or the worst thing. I'm still debating. The weekend was complicated due to my relationship and where it stands with Lauren. Side-note: I'll elaborate on that eventually. Give me time. So the reason I am debating whether it is good or bad is because I needed her. Had she been there, I would have had a place to go. I could have said I'm sorry to the boys and I know they would have understood why I just needed to go at that point. I could have cried on her shoulder. However, the fact that she wasn't there is good because I didn't have anywhere to run and hide. I had to face the fact (once again) that my relationship with Lauren is over. This reality just is not getting any easier. And facing that reality makes me a big baby and on those days, I want my mom. Still.

My relationship with my mom hasn't always been this way. For most of high school, I was going anywhere I could to run AWAY from her actually. Pretty typical of a high school girl with an attitude like you've never seen before. Yes. Me...with an attitude. Imagine that! And now--here I am with the most regret I could probably ever have in my life about how I treated her for those years. I lied. I probably even told her I hated her. I can NOT believe I said that to my mom. It still blows me away. So now, I see girls treating their moms the way I did and it makes me so sad. I wish I could go back and redo that. I wish I could change the attitudes of girls I see now and have them appreciate and enjoy their mom.

Allow me to share a story or two about my mom.

My anxiety has been off the charts recently. I can't get it under control and it really is just draining. Who did I turn to tonight because I was just pissed that I have anxiety? My mom. I text her and said, "WHY DID I GET ANXIETY?" Her response, "Breathe. Relax. Eat chocolate." Amen.

The conversation continued back and forth about what I was anxious about etc etc and when she could tell I was just tired of it and that really was all I needed to say. I didn't want advice. I just needed to be mad and throw a pity party for my mom to listen to. And instead of pushing me and trying to solve it for me like so many moms would do...she asked me about American Idol. She completely changed the subject. Any friend would do that for me I think but with her, its different because she is my mom. She said, "Ellen is so funny. And has such a beautiful smile. I think she even sparkles." I said, "Yeah gay people do that sometimes!" ;) We made each other laugh and for that time, she distracted me. A task I've been trying to do on my own for weeks to stop me from thinking and to stop my heart from racing. But because she is my mom, she could do that for me. I don't NEED her to. I don't turn to her about my anxiety. But she is still my mommy and I am still her Little J. Her JJ. Her J Bird. She does it without trying. She is just the best mom to me.

For so many reasons, I love her.